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Renea Menzies Bio image model, artist, painter creator of art

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Renea @
(713) 806-7076 

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I enjoy's working with my clients to create the perfect piece of art for any particular space, home or work.  The relationship I creates while collaborating with clients is special and very rewarding.  It's amazing when you can listen and create a special piece that lights up their face.  It's easy to do get in the studio and paint what I want, however far more fulfilling to make someone else's dream painting."  

The process of commissioning a piece is a stressful for some as many have had  bad experiences with this process.  I guarantee my work 100%, there is no buying something that you don't love! This is my commitment to my clients, as it should be! I don't disappoint! So please reach out to me if you have a need for a special piece and are having a hard time finding something for that special place!

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